Handi Quilter Educational Event Nov 22-25

About the Artist

Nicholas Turcan

Coming to Hawaii November 22th – 25th

Introducing Nick

Nick is a multitalented and very creative individual.  His journey began in 2012 with one quilt that quickly turned into several, which made him realize that he needed a better way t finish these quit tops than a small, domestic-sized sewing machine.  He purchased his Handi Quilter Longarm machine in 2014 and then then during the pandemic in 2020 he invested in Pro-Stitcher allowing him to keep up with the overflow of quilting for others. 

Nick lives on Granville Island in Canada where he quilts for others, films virtual classes and video tutorials when he isnt traveling to teach in person. I met Nick in June at the HQ Retailer Academy where all the educators beg to come to Hawaii.  Nick stood out because of his high energy and first hand knowledge of Hawaii, a place he visits often. Our talks made he realize that he is the perfect professional educator that can walk a quilter through the journey of quilting on a sewing machine, moving to quilting on a longarm machine or using the ultimate creative system of digital designs with Pro-Stitcher computerized software. Nick has planned out a great event schedule to give everyone a chance to meet him, show his quilts and answer your questions.  


Handi Quilter Education Event

Quilting Journey with Nick

4 Days – 4 Opportunities – Meet, Learn and Explore Quilting 

Why attend this quilting event?

When a professional quilt educator plans an amazing schedule to include someone that has never quilted to the all the sewers and quilters that want to build their free motion, learn about fills, backgrounds and finding a quilt path to finish quilts better.  Ending the classes with Pro-Stitcher digital design software.  

Event Dates - prices coming soon

Sign Up for Event and Full Day of Classes

Meet the Artist

Hours to be announced

LOCATION: Box Jelly at Ward Center

Small meet and greet opportunities in groups of 8.  Each meeting includes a trunk show of his quilts with a discussion of his process and how he created them. Explore quilting with Nick, for quilters, sewers or anyone interested in textile art of stitching. 

Sign Up Now

Day 1 Classes Quilting Journey with Stewing and Longarm Stationary Machines

10 am to 1pm

Lunch Included

2pm - 5pm

LOCATION: Quilty Clubhouse Barb's Home  91-1660 Orrick St, Ewa Beach

Morning Session: Introduction to Stich sewing machine and quilting bootcamp skills. 

Lunch: lets talk about Hawaii our quilt projects and enjoy a meal together. 

Afternoon Session: Moving to the sit-down Stationary Longarm machines and building your free-motion skills. 

Sign Up Now

Day 2 Classes Quilting Journey with Longarm Machines on a Frame and Pro-Stitcher

10am to 1pm

Lunch Included

2pm - 5pm

LOCATION: Quilty Clubhouse Barb's Home 91-1660 Orrick St, Ewa Beach

Morning Session:  Bootcamp quilting on a frame.  Free Motion skills exploring fills, backgrounds and motifs. 


Afternoon Session: Pro-Stitcher possibilities. Start with Edge-to-edge designs and explore beyond.

Sign Up Now


Don’t miss out on what Barb is doing at the clubhouse